Power of Analytics Remarketing


3 min read

People don’t commit when they first click on a PPC Ads. To keep your value proposition continuously at the front and center in the minds of your customers, remarketing is essential.

Like most things in paid search, analyze your data and develop a strategy. You’ll need to decide which visitors to your site you’d like to target ads to. For example, you can use the URL of thank you page for a remarketing list. To help you with this, you need to have Google Analytics goal funnels set up.

Note that you are always at risk of annoying people and put them off if you show them your ad too much. To counter this,

  • change or refresh the creative ads,
  • make use of frequency capping in AdWords that seems appropriate for your business goals
  • set-up custom combinations in the “Shared Library” tab in your AdWords account

The most success with remarketing ads when they are brand focused as people you’re targeting are familiar with your website and value proposition. People may be much more likely to notice an ad that’s touting a brand they’re familiar when they do a combination of the following

  • Visit a website where display advertising is available.
  • Perform a keyword search on a search engine.
  • Watch a YouTube video.
  • Use a social media site (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest).

Things to keep in mind

  • Adwords remarketing ads will only show to an audience over a certain size. This is nominally 100 users for Display campaigns, but they have to be active users, so practically you’ll need more like 150. For AdWords Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSAs), you’ll need 1,000 active users.
  • Aware of Analytics sampling and processing
  • There is limit of 2000 Remarketing Audiences per Analytics account.
  • The In-Market Segments dimension is not available for Remarketing Audiences.
  • The Days Since Last Visit metric is not available for Remarketing Audiences.

Change to Google Analytics code

In Google AdWords, you can create retargeting lists based on conversion goals and page visits. If you want to dig deeper and target by behavior, demographics, technology, and more, Google Analytics is the way to go.

When you're creating a remarketing campaign in Google Ads, if you're account is linked to an Analytics account, then you have an option to use the tracking code that’s already on your website rather than have Google Ads generate a remarketing tag for you. Under this options, Remarketing is automatically enabled in Analytics

ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + 'stats.g.doubleclick.net/dc.js';

Dynamic Remarketing

Dynamic Remarketing goes one step further by customizing ads based on specific products or services viewed as well as purchase history. With PPC campaigns, previous site visitors can be targeted based on their site activity once AdWords and Analytics are connected. For Dynamic Remarketing, retailers also need to make a connection with their Merchant Center account before using. This is a complicated tactic that requires that the site is tagged with at least one custom dimension. Rather than describing it here, I recommend Google’s support for setting up a feed in Google AdWords.


Even if your product or services is THE perfect fit, most website visitors aren’t buying today. Maybe they’re waiting on the next paycheck. These visitors are highly qualified and a lot more likely to make a purchase compared to a random guy off the street. In the context of Paid Acquisition, the power of Remarketing is undeniable. Being able to interact with those who have already experienced your site. Remarketing is about getting people back to your site.